We made pasta for the first time. It was so yummy!!
2 cups of flour '00'
2 eggs
1 yolk
1. place the flour on a board. You could always do this in a bowl.
2. crack the eggs into a cup and beat. Make a well in the centre of the flour and poor the eggs in.
3. Mix together with the flour as much as possible so it's not too sticky.
4. Then flour each hand and begin to knead.
5. what you want to end up with is a nice piece of silky elastic dough. Cover it with cling film and leave it to rest for about half an hour.
6. Use half of the dough and run it through the pasta machine on the thickest setting for a few times, folding it in half each time.
7. keep rolling the pasta through the machine, reducing the thickness each time until its about 3mm.
8. You now have your pasta sheet an can shape it as you like. We made Tagliatelli with a tomato sauce.